I have seen that in any great undertaking, it is not enough for a man to depend simply upon himself.

Lone Man (Isna-la-wica), Teton Sioux

Develop. Support. Retain.

Let’s keep it real:

  • Nearly 1/3 of BIPOC teachers regularly experience microaggressions at their school.

  • In a survey of independent school educators, nearly 2/3 of BIPOC educators report being asked to be a spokesperson for their racial or ethnic group.

  • BIPOC educators are frequently asked to or feel tacit pressure to perform extra duties without pay.

With these realities, it is not surprising that turnover rates are nearly 20% higher for BIPOC educators. BIPOC educators experience distinct pressures and pain points and applying a “one size fits all’ model of professional development simply does not work. To retain and help BIPOC educators thrive, primarily white institutions (PWIs) must fundamentally rethink and reimagine professional development.

Enter professional coaching. My coaching process is designed to empower and support BIPOC educators - to achieve goals, operate strategically, enhance managerial skill, and navigate thorny issues.

Professional coaching, particularly for BIPOC educators by BIPOC educators produces results. It is integral to positional efficacy and your school’s bottom line.