Get the support and resources you need to be successful.

Our services

Every school experiences pain points - those issues that are repeatedly discussed at administrative meetings for weeks or months, but remain unsolved. Those persistent and specific problems make it harder for your organization to function effectively and efficiently. Dated or inequitable practices take root, great employees leave, and competitive advantage in the market is lost. HEC provides strategic solutions to these intractable problems.

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Student Life Program Design

Considering your school’s goals, processes, and competing priorities, we help clients redesign and rethink the following critical student life areas:

Social Emotional Learning Curriculum

 Human Development and Community Programming

Advisory Program Evaluation and Redesign

Restorative Student Discipline

Parent Education and Programming

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Educator Professional Development & Coaching

Considering your positional responsibilities and your broader career goals, we support and empower educators in the following professional domains:

Project Management

Team Building

Middle Management and Supervisor Development

Leadership Development

Educator of Color Coaching


Questions before getting started? Get in touch.